International conference on Islamic Education Studies and Social Science
April 29, 2020
International conference on Islamic Education Studies and Social Science
April 29, 2020
The event was held successfully
April 29, 2020 Research Synergy Foundation was held an International Conference on Islamic and Social Studies by virtually. The presenters are from Taiwan, Indonesia, and Pakistan. With this virtual conference, RSF invited some researchers from other institutions from Indonesia, Nepal, and Malaysia.
The conference was opened by Mrs. Santi Rahmawati, MSM as our Founder & Global Network Operation of Research Synergy Foundation. The session chair of this conference was handled by our Founder and Chairman of Research Synergy Foundation, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih
and many more
ICISS | Research Synergy Foundation | +62 811-227-479 | info@icissconference.com